Kiawah Island top things to do – family portraits! I’ve been photographing Tambrea and Jason since they were dating. It’s been fun to watch their family grow and to document all the changes with an annual family portrait session. This year we started off in the shade at the newly landscaped “Ocean Park” on Kiawah Island. This park has a beautiful set of swings, live oaks and a bridge across a stream. When the setting sun is just right, it blasts through the trees and produces a gorgeous warm back-lighting on the portraits. Tambrea and her girls looks so beautiful with the sun streaming through their long, strawberry blonde hair. I know a portrait session has gone well, when I physically laugh and smile to myself hours later while I’m editing the captures from my studio.
I really enjoy getting to know a family over the years and getting updates on all the news, drama, and achievements since we last met. I often reflect on my own family and the similarities I have with my brothers and sister…but at the end of the day realizing how incredibly different we are as well. The same goes for all the families I photograph. The family dynamic is what makes each session so much fun. You have introverts, extroverts, hams, shy-ones, goof-balls, silly-willies and the super serious….and when you get that special capture of the whole group together, it’s the commonality of LOVE that makes it a family portrait. Now, those smiles become contagious as the photograph gets shared with family and friends. It’s why I do, what I do!